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Bugout! A Novel Coronavirus Novel Ch. 30

I shouldn’t be calling the show, William said.

Go ahead, soldier, you’re on the air, JayJay Bone said.

I’m not active duty, anymore.

You told my call screener you’re an Afghanistan special operations combat vet, right?

Yes, sir.

Thank you for your service.


For what you did.

What did I do?

You put on a uniform and went into battle for our country.

Do you wear a mask when you go out?


People who do wear masks are putting on a uniform and going into battle for our country.

I value my freedom, son.

Defiance isn’t freedom.

So what is it?

Self-absorbed idiocy.

Get off my phone you libtard.

JayJay Bone hung up.

Another coward willing to forsake liberty for liberalism, said the news talk radio host.

William played the recording he made of the call a few times for himself. Then he played the exchange on the Zoom video therapy call with his doctor. As always, the doctor remained calm, nice and interested.

Why did you want me to hear this, William?

I think I handled myself pretty well with that Holy Roller redneck.

You opened your widow of tolerance.

Then I hit him right between the eyes.

Yes, William, you closed the window.

I wish his fingers were gripping the sill when I closed it.

Now, William, how did his insult make you feel?

I won.


I turned his contempt around on him.

Is winning important to you, William?

It is when it comes to living.

Do you plan to call the show again?


Are you enjoying your walks lately?

I keep my window of tolerance closed on patrol.

You mean during your walks?

No, they’re patrols, doctor.

Heightened vigilance?

Prepare for anything. Expect everything.

How do you control your patrol?

I wave when people are wearing masks. I turn my head when they’re not. I don’t confront anybody even when I want to.

That’s a good sign, William.

Some clown was smoking a cigarette without a mask this morning. Getting into a car he wrote messages on in paint.

What did the messages say?

We will get through this. God bless our first responders.

Do you still consider yourself a first responder?

Until I die.

I take that to be a yes.

A guy was walking his dog with a cowboy hat on. The guy was wearing the cowboy hat. Not the dog. I wanted to yell out, hey, Tex, that Stetson won’t keep the coronavirus from ambushing your brain.

How to you keep from acting out?

The Zen masters say sit zazen and sweep the garden.

Very good, William.

There’s only one problem.

What’s that, William?

I’m going to start shooting people.