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Bugout! A Novel Coronavirus Novel Ch. 103

How did you get my cell number, William?

I’m a counter-insurgency professional, doctor.

Since when is your former psychiatrist a revolutionary?

I’m sorry, ma’am, I just wanted to talk with you one last time.

I’m concerned with the way that sounds, William.

No, no, that’s not what I mean.

What do you mean?

I got a new job delivering pizzas. I’m feeling better. I’m going to go to group therapy with some other combat vets who served in Afghanistan.

You might want to continue with a doctor for follow-up.

If I have to I will.

I saw you on the news.

That raid on the racists could have been worse.

Yes, that’s true.

I haven’t shot anybody with a paintball since my attack on that white power bunch.

You saved your friend.

I don’t think we’re friends anymore. He says black is beautiful and I’m not.

I’m sorry to hear that, William.

Yeah, me, too.

Why did you choose a paintball gun?

A non-lethal weapon makes my point about wearing a mask, keeping social distance and looking out for people on our team.

You mean in our community?

That’s our team, right?

Yes, I guess it is.

Too bad I couldn’t get a high-power paintball rifle with a better scope so I could shoot longer distances and pick off targets from a roof.  With my experience and training, there’s no telling how many I could get

It’s just as well you don’t, the doctor said.

I didn’t kill anybody.

Yes, that’s significant progress.

My country taught me how to shoot.

That’s true.

My country taught me how to kill.

That’s true, too.

War sucks, William said.

War is extremely difficult for combat troops like you to carry out.

Is war as hard for the politicians?

We’re drifting outside my realm of expertise, William.

I’ll bet it’s not. I’ll bet it’s not nearly as hard for the president or the corporate boards of directors at companies that make guns and bombs and killer jet planes and choppers and send us to die for their re-elections and profit margins.

Would you like to make an appointment to talk with someone, William?

No thank you, doctor.

Are you sure?

Can I call you again?

No thank you, William.