Bugout! A Novel Coronavirus Novel Ch. 5

You’re on the air, Reverend. Thank you for taking my call, JayJay Bone. What’s on your mind, Pastor? Ho-mo-sex-u-allllls! What’d they do now? They brought us the plague. They brought us the pestilence. They brought us the germs of Sodom and Gomorrah. The AIDS? Coronavirus. COVID-19 is gay? The end days are on us with […]

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Bugout! A Novel Coronavirus Novel Ch. 4

Sliding the Glock 22 from his shoulder holster, Jimmy extended his right arm out the passenger window, raised the gun into the air and fired. Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang He shoved the gun back into the holster and rolled up the widow. Darryl didn’t say a word. When they got back to the […]

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