Bugout! A Novel Coronavirus Novel Ch. 27

Dig in, boys. Big Bob stood grinning over the backyard gas grill holding two smoking plates piled high with rare horse meat. Guess who’s coming to dinner? Buck and Vic chuckled nervously. Us? How about Mr. Ed? Big Bob laughed his big beer belly laugh. His dopey Irish Setter, Clancy, ran in circles, frenzied from […]

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Bugout! A Novel Coronavirus Novel Ch. 26

Goddamn, Vic, where’d you get the rifles? Gina’s sister, Betsy, had ‘em in the basement from her first husband who ran off to Las Vegas with that dental assistant. I traded a boxed set of Lynyrd Skynyrd CDs for the guns. The one with Southern Man and Saturday Night Special? Free Bird, too! Don’t know […]

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